Research & Planning for Social Impact

Business Strategies

Financial Models and Feasibility Studies

Data for financial and strategic business decisions

  • Feasibility studies for starting or growing a service program

  • Pricing strategies and financial modeling for earned income

  • Cost-benefit and scenario planning for decision making

  • Environmental scan of market conditions and user needs & experiences

Data Tools that Make a Difference

The Public Good was hired to assess the scalability of its nascent Federal Funds Tracker (FFT) budget monitoring and advocacy tool. We analyzed FPWA’s internal business operations including its investment in the tool, deployed a survey to FPWA’s non-profit members and conducted expert stakeholder interviews to gather feedback on users’ experience and needs related to the FFT tool. Our research and analysis provided FPWA with the first comprehensive assessment of who was benefitting, who was left out and what technical and systemic enhancements could lead to greater impact.

Preschool Expansion Study

Our feasibility study used local market and financial data to create a scalable business model for Manny Cantor Center, enabling it to successfully expand its community-based childcare program. With our financial planing assistance, EA/MCC has successfully achieved its goal of adding infants and toddlers to its high quality programming while remaining financially sustainable in a diverse and changing neighborhood

Finding Cost Savings in School Contracts

To explore possible financial savings in NJ’s local school districts, 32BJ/SEIU, one of the region’s largest labor organizers, representing thousands of school workers in NJ, asked The Public Good to find cost savings by aggregating school food management contracts.  Through a sophisticated analysis of public financial records and the contracting process, we determined that money could be saved in select school districts throughout NJ. Our analysis and expert testimony to the State Legislature helped 32BJ win the support they needed to pass legislation allowing small districts to aggregate contracting in order to save taxpayer money.

Pricing Plan for Revenue Generation

The Public Good created financial models establishing competitive price points for NPower’s income generating Consulting and Managed IT Services divisions to support its mission of “Helping non-profits use technology to better serve their communities.”